Friday, July 27, 2012

Greece on the Edge - Eurozone Crisis

Daily Mail: Reports that the Greek PM Antonis Samaras is meeting the troika of the EU/IMF/ECB to persuade them to give Greece the final part of the bailout agreed between Greece and the EU.

Lets Get Real:

The Germans are worried that they are going to be conned again, they give the green light to the bailout then Greece comes back later and asks for money money, also the Germans are worried that the Spanish will be next with their begging bowl, and if you include Italy that would cost trillions. It can be argued that Germany is looking for a reason to kick Greece out of the Euro, the lack of reforms in Greece could be the perfect reason. If the troika gives Greece this final part of the bailout it can be postulated that Berlin is hoping it will work, in betting terms folks that is betting on long odds. The Greeks will never reform, they know that the Berlin is scared of the effects of a Greek exit, thus the view from Athens is that they have the Germans over a barrel, the problem is that the German tax payer has had enough, all politics is local folks, at the end of the day German politicians might have no choice but to cut Greece adrift, lets see who has the best poker hand folks.

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