Sunday, May 13, 2012

Last Hope for Greece - Eurozone Crisis

BBC News: Reports that the Leaders of the Greek Conservatives, Socialists and far left Syriza bloc Party are meeting the Greek President Karolos Papoulias in attempt to see if they can form a Coalition Government.

Lets Get Real:

The omens are not good folks, why should the Syriza Bloc agree to a political suicidal deal when fresh polls show that they would be the largest Party after new elections in Greece. The combined vote of the Anti Austerity Parties would show that Greece had in essence finished with the Euro. The article notes the Leader of the Syriza Party, Alexis Tsipras thinks the Germans are bluffing and that they will fold and just give Greece ALL the money it needs, he is wrong, the Germans recall Weimar Germany, they are not going to print money just to save Greece, the Greek people have simple choice, austerity and Euro or no austerity and out of the Euro. Time for the Greeks to wake up from their mad sleep.

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