Friday, February 11, 2011

Mubarak OUT = Army IN = ?

Telegraph: Reports on the resignation of President Mubarak of Egypt. Thus what next folks, the President has transferred power to the Army, they have promised a road map to free elections. The question is will this be enough for the protesters, the reaction of the protesters was joy at the news, but what comes next folks, will the Army really give Egypt Democracy or will they spin the departure of Mubarak as a reason to keep the present power structure, lets recall folks you would have fond such joy in 1917 with the fall of Tsar Nicholas 11, then in 1979 when Iran’s monarch left, but that secular revolution was overtaken by a religious revolution. Lets see what happens folks, you have to tip your hat to the protesters, they have bought down a dictator by peaceful protest on the whole, that should be celebrated, this is a historic day in Egypt, but lets see what happens next, this old cynic has worries about the future of the Middle East after this Revolution.

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