Wednesday, July 01, 2009

EU Out of Iran ?

The New York Times: Reports that the European Union could pull out all EU Ambassadors from Iran due to the arrest of local UK British Embassy workers in Tehran. The Iranian regime has shown itself to be a totalitarian regime, the main aim of the regime is to keep power. Thus a repressive regime will have to get more repressive to keep power. As stated in this blog they would get a local worker of the UK Embassy to confess to helping the reform movement. It seems from the article in the New York Times, that the regime has chosen a local to punish. The charge is of course false but they need a public confession to sell to the people of Iran. Thus expect a Court Case and the British to be blamed, the Government of Iran will use the past actions of the West as a justification for a more repressive system. Thus expect even more arrests, reformers and protesters will face torture and jail time. The West will have a choice, this is the 1930s all over again, the West can either appease or show how firm the West can be, the EU should remove their Ambassadors, firmness now could prevent war later on between Iran and Israel.

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