Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Virtual World of Iran

CBS: Reports on the virtual world in Iran, the regime has taken on a propaganda attack that the protests after the President Election are the blame of the UK, Obama has been forced to be more critical by the right wing in the USA. It seems that the Government of Iran has taken the lessons of Nazi Germany, it is creating its own reality and starting to blame groups and other countries. Thus now its the UK, when do they start to blame Israel, when does spoken critical attacks become an attack on Israel by Iran, and Iran with the bomb. Thus the chance of talks are over, its a time for firm action by the West, Israel will never allow another holocaust, and a nuclear attack on Israel by Iran would be a holocaust. Iran is another Nazi Germany and Stalin USSR, but with the nuclear bomb in view. Thus time to take on Iran and help the reformers before its to late for Iran and the World.

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