Thursday, November 16, 2023

Gaza Update - Gaza - Israeli War - Middle East - Israel's 9/11

BBC News - Live Blog: Reports in its 4.14pm post the following, " The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) says its operation inside the hospital is continuing, with soldiers "proceeding one building at a time, searching each floor" ".

Lets Get Real:

The Israeli Forces are doing a hard job in the right way, as the IDF has shown HAMAS has hid weapons and ammo in the hospital, the Western Media treats information from HAMAS as the TRUTH, while Israel needs to have its information verified from other sources.   The Israeli people and government had their 9/11 on October 7th, the lack of response needs a further investigation, the Israeli Army and police forces were to slow to act.  The IDF has to clear house, one way or another, no matter what the Western Media say or Governments.  The West should learn from this, and prevent further attack on the West. 

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