Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Finland CLOSES it BORDERS to RUSSIA - Ukraine - Russia War - Biden Era

Sky News - Live Blog: Reports in its 3.57pm the following " Helsinki claims Moscow funnelling people to border...We brought you news earlier that Finland will close its entire border with Russia to travellers....The decision to shut all eight border crossings means only cargo trains can pass between the two countries, Finland's Border Guard said.  "

Lets Get Real:

The Helsinki is paying the price of the Ukraine - Russia War and its entry in to NATO, the troops of Finland will have to check the cargo to make sure that the Russians do not place migrants in the cargo, also Putin might think that he US and Europe is tired of the War, Germany might want that Kyiv starts to have talks with Russia, the price will be steep, the Russians would hold the land they have taken over, while KYIV will want to join NATO and the EU as the price of giving up land.   This kind of loss could make POTUS weak 2024, that is what the Russians and its axis of EVIL want, are we seeing the 1930s again, Europe weak when faced by EVIL, and the US voters getting tired of supporting Europe.  If this leads to WW3 do not be shocked, the Gods do not give 2nd warnings.

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