Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Yevgeny Prigozhin is alive and well in Belarus ? - Ukraine - Russia War - Bide Era

Lets Get Real:

Is this real footage of Prigozhin or a deep fake AI spouting the Kremlin line, the fact that the man in the images states that the Russia military action in the Ukraine is a disgrace, seems to confirm that it is real, why do a deep fake that says what Prigozhin has already said about the War, also the speaker states that Wagner is not finished in the Ukraine.   What really has to ask what does Prigozhin have on Putin, does he have something that could destroy Putin should prigozhin fall from a window or WMD  is used on him.   Let's recall the Wagner boss tried a coup a few weeks ago, and Putin called him a traitor, then had tea with him.   This whole affair is very murky, very OLD KGB, will Putin take his  time to kill the Wagner boss, only time will tell.

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