Sunday, May 28, 2023

Debt Ceiling DEAL reached - The Biden Era - 2024 Candidate/ Presidential Election

Lets Get Real:

The US Debt of 31.4 trillion will not be cut, in fact it will go up, and the US Congress will not deal with the issue till after the Presidential Election of 2024.  There will be caps on spending but not defence, that is god, no true Republican wants to cut defence spending and US veterans will be covered, that is the right thing to to do and its good politics, they vote, and tend to be Republicans.  Those on welfare and single will have to work to earn welfare, this might cause problems for the Liberals in Congress.  It will depend what is in the written bill. There will be no tax hikes on the wealthy or the middle class, that will make Republicans happy, liberals just like to tax for the sake of taxing and spend it on their base. The House will have 72 hours to read the bill and then vote, the House could cause problems, far right wingers and extreme liberals who do not like the bill, could unite to oppose it, the White House and the House Speaker might need to twist arms, but it should get through the House and Senate, no one wants to default.

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