Monday, April 24, 2023

4,000 UK Subjects in the Sudan - Another Afghanistan ?

Lets Get Real:

IF this blog was a US  or UK citizen it would not be happy, it has been reported there are sixteen thousand US Citizens in Sudan, the US State Department has made it clear that there will be no Cavalry coming to the rescue, the FCO will do nothing.  It seems that POTUS is doing another Afghanistan, that is why POTUS is seen as weak, and why his approval ratings are in the toilet, anything really risky and he is hiding under his desk, to think that JFK and Ronald Reagan had that desk, Biden is following the Obama foreign policy failure route, he thinks that he can leave Americans behind and there is no political comeback.   At least POTUS is supporting the Ukraine in its War with the Russia, the Republicans on the whole are supporting the Trump Isolation policy.  This is how powers fade, just look at the example of the British Empire, we could be leading to the hegemony of China in the 21st Century as long as they do not invade Taiwan. 

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