Wednesday, January 04, 2023

The Speaker of the House Part 2 - Biden Era

BBC News: Reports " US House in chaos after Kevin McCarthy loses speaker votes  "

Lets Get Real:

The House Democrats must be having fun, seeing the Republicans tear themselves apart, they should worry also, if the Party gets a Republican Speaker, that does not mean Kevin McCarthy or it might be him,  he will have to follow the wants of the extreme right, thus a lot of Congressional investigations in to Afghanistan and Hunter Biden.  Down the road the Biden Oval will be looking at moderate Republicans who might vote with the Democrats on different parts of the Biden Agenda, and to see how they can get these Republicans to agree to go against the party will.  One hopes that after a good night's rest and some deals in smoke filled rooms, the Republican Party can nominate a Speaker who can get 218 votes.  It is always good to have oversight of the a Administration, the Democrats allowed the Biden Oval to get away with its disastrous Afghanistan policy and showed no interest in Hunter Biden.  It could be a long day, it's fun watching the sausage ( how politics really works ) as its being made.  That is why US politics is so fun, and now the Yanks cannot complain about our three PM's in a year and our mini budget.

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