Thursday, January 12, 2023

2nd Batch of Classified Files found for the time POTUS was VP to Obama - Biden Era

BBC News: Reports " Second batch of classified Biden documents found...US President Joe Biden's aides have found a fresh batch of classified government records at a second location, in a growing political embarrassment for the White House.  "

Lets Get Real:

POTUS has found himself in a glass house, he was critical of former President Trump for keeping files and now a 2nd batch of his files while in the Obama Administration has been found.  Thus one can assume that these files are six years old, how come to the National Archives did not ask for them before, its gets very murky.  The Attorney General must appointee a Special Counsel as he has done with former President Trump, anything else and it will look like political and payback from the AG for his Appointment to the post, after not getting on the US Supreme Court, the Republicans blocked him for the post. The House Republicans will NOW have POTUS and his son Hunter in their sights, the President might want to have a second look at running for a 2nd term, if he does the Republicans will him make pay a heavy price, there will be endless House hearings on these two batches of files held by POTUS after leaving the VP in 2017.

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