Friday, September 27, 2019

The Impeachment of Trump and the US voter - US Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

In 1974 Richard Nixon only agreed to resign when the Republicans in the US Senate told him it was over, if this had not happened the history could have been different.   Also the polls for Nixon were bad, it was the reverse for Bill Clinton, the US voter did not think that Clinton deserved to be impeached because of an affair and he was found not guilty by a Republican US Senate.   As long as Trump can keep the defections to a few Senators up for re-election in 2020 he will be all right.  Of course if House hearings next week can push the story along, then there might be a difference, does the White House hold other compromising transcripts of Trump with other State leaders.   This blog would be interested to read the transcript of the talks between Trump and Putin, one would assume that the Trump White House will fight tooth and nail to keep them quiet.  It is going to be dramatic week next week. 

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