Monday, July 08, 2019

Trump Surges in Poll for WP - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

The Democrats by their words at the debate have helped the Trump re-election campaign, the idea of giving medical cover to illegal immigrants is not popular, the fact that the leading candidates for the Democratic nomination want to get rid of private medical cover has gone down faster than the Titanic, and the Democrats do not stop.   After the mistake on debate of supporting such a move Senator Harris had a clean up operation the following day, but the damage was done.   The Washington Post/ABC News poll found that the only Democratic candidate that can beat Trump is former VP, Joe Biden.   The problem is that VP Biden has to get through the Primary contest, and it can be assured that the left wing candidates will go after Biden on race.  The fact that Trump has been so weak on foreign policy should help the Democrats, the Biden Campaign has jumped on the Trump weakness comes to North Korea, in fact Biden looks tougher on North Korea than Trump, that should help Biden with a moderate Democrats and even Republicans in the general election of 2020.

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