Wednesday, July 17, 2019

POTUS furthers ATTACK on the Squad - Trump Era

Sky News: Reports " 'Four horsewomen of the apocalypse': Donald Trump in new attack on 'The Squad'..It comes after days of sparring between Donald Trump and the four Democrat congresswomen in a row over his "racist" tweets.  "

Lets Get Real:

POTUS is not letting this go, he has been censured by the Democratic House, and the liberal mainstream media is calling him a racist, the tweets have been panned ALL over the World, thus why carry on.  The simple answer is political, the Squad, the term the Congresswomen use for themselves are on the extreme left wing of the Democratic Party, when they are not arguing with POTUS they are having a civil war with the Speaker.   The Trump Oval wants to force the Democratic Party to be seen as being represented by the Squad, and the next time they say something loony, and they will, the Democrats will be forced to defend them.   As a morale question it is to be censured, but as politics, its very smart, and could win POTUS re-election next year. 

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