Monday, July 15, 2019

Donald Trump is a RACIST - Update 2 - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The latest Trump tweets are about 2020, it can be argued that his campaign is afraid that the Democrats will chose the " moderate " VP Biden, and thus the Trump is trying to push the Democrats to vote for any one else, such as LEFT WINGERS, Senators Warren or Sanders.  Even this blog knows that if the Democrats selected either of these two Senators the Trump Oval and Campaign Committee would crush them.   The risk for Trump  is that the Democrats could chose Senator Kamala Harris, the Senator has shown that she is strong in a debate, was a former tough prosecutor in California and also happens to be African - American.  This could be the real threat to Trump in 2020.  What happened to the Republican Party of Ronald Reagan, the President that gave amnesty to illegal migrants in 1986, the Gipper would not have approved for their lack of comment on these tweets. 

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