Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Turning the screw on Iran - Middle East/Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Iran should not be allowed to get any civil or military nuclear projects, they can not be trusted.  The Trump Administration has ended waivers for those Countries that take oil from IRAN, this will further hurt the economy of the Tehran Regime.   The point of these sanctions is to force IRAN to the table to discuss their terrorist support and their missiles project.  The Tehran Regime has threatened to close the oil route that takes oil to the West, this would be a BIG MISTAKE, the US would then feel free to take military action, the last thing anyone wants.   The US and it's ally Israel are afraid that Iran is developing the bomb and if it gets the bomb it would be a THREAT to the Middle East, the Tehran Government must be bought to talks, and as Churchill stated it is better to talk than war.   One assumes that Israeli intelligence knows what secret projects as being developed by IRAN, the State of Israel has to be protected also the US ally of Saudi Arabia. 

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