Friday, February 01, 2019

The END of Reagan's and Gorbachev's INF Treaty - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

As always President Reagan was RIGHT, the Russians have been cheating for years, in the past they have tried to get OUT of the INF Treaty, it was always the US Administrations who said NO.  As President Reagan stated, you trust but verify, and always see the truth, even if you do not like the answer.   The Russians have created new INF missiles that breach the OLD TREATY, also the US fears these developments by China, India and Pakistan.  On this the Trump Administration might be RIGHT.   The Russians have threatened an ARMS RACE, the Trump Oval should remind President Putin that the Russians lost the last one during the Cold War.   The US can build up its nuclear weapons and develop space weapons, President Reagan presented the ground work with SDI.  The Trump Administration has to be tough with the Russians, the Gipper would expect nothing else. 

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