Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Booker for President ? - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Senator Booker is NOT Barack Obama, he does not have "IT", HE does not have the charisma, the left leaning voters of the Democratic base are not going to HELP the Democrats in 2020.   The FACT that former President Jimmy Carter endorsed him is not going to help the Senator, one can see the Republican Adverts already, do you want another Carter in the Oval Office.   One can see Senators Booker or Harris as VP, the question is who will be the nominee, not Senator Warren, President Trump would love her as the Democratic nominee, her attempts to explain why she thought she was a native American were foolish, even the Native American tribe she claimed to be part of disavowed her, also she is LIBERAL Democrat from a State that has produced two failed Presidential bids, in 1988 and 2004.  What about former VP Biden, he would appeal to white working class, but he has tried to run before and has failed, also lets be very honest here, he is OLD and has a FOOT IN THE MOUTH problem.  Also he is pandering to the liberal base, he has stated that he regrets supporting tough criminal laws in the 1980s and 1990s.  This might go down well on the East and West Coast but what about the rust belt States, he is ahead in the polls become people know the name, the race has not started yet.    This blog is still waiting for that candidate you like, leads and it not lead, liberal on social issues but tough on foreign policy, thus far not very impressed, POTUS could WIN big in 2020.

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