Sunday, September 14, 2014

Will Scotland leave the UK ? - VOTE NO

BBC - Referendum Vote Live: Report on the latest poll of polls  from Scotland, the No campaign leads by 51% to 49%.

Lets Get Real:

In my political black soul I want Scotland to leave, that makes a political sense to a Conservative, it would mean Labour could never form a majority Government in London, if in 2015 Labour does win by having Scottish MPs while they are leaving it will make a government weak, you could not have departing Scots telling the rest of the UK what government it should  have for the next five years.  It is the political interest of Labour to get their bloody vote out, time to makes those calls, knock on doors, get those people out, but the fear of God in to them, once Scotland leaves that IS IT.  There is no coming back with your tail between your legs when it turns out to be a disaster.    Make my black political smile and leave, but as am loyal subject of the Crown, stay even if it means a Labour Government.  YOUR CHOICE, DO YOU WANT YOUR WALLET AT THE DISPOSAL OF THE SNP.


ls puts "No" on 51% and "Yes" on 49%ThThlatesolf polls puts "No" on 51% and "Yes" on 49%e latest poll of polls puts "No" on 51% and "Yes" 

1 comment:

Xide29 said...

Personally I hope its a NO vote. The Union has been in existence for over 300 years and I think the benefits outweigh the negatives especially from an economic stand point.... HOWEVER, given the emotions this referendum has stirred up I wonder how easy it will be to go back to the status quo? I also resent the fact that "Devomax" will be applied in the event of a NO vote. I don't see any similar benefits to Wales, England or N.Ireland.