Saturday, October 05, 2013

What SHUTDOWN ? - 2nd Term Blues

BBC News: Reports that four hundred thousand defence workers that were sent home due to the US Government shutdown will return to work next week.

Lets Get Real:

This is a good piece of news for the Republicans, that just leaves four hundred thousand workers AT home, we shall how long the Democrats on the Hill still oppose support for those that have served in the military, children waiting for cancer support, and other bills passed by the Republican House.  One has to presume that the Oval knew that the Defence Secretary was going to do this, it does kind negate the Obama message. The Republicans should hold their nerve, as stated they should not give an inch on the CR or the debt ceiling. This is the time for the Republicans to be the grown ups, the US can not carry on with a 17 trillion debt. Time to wield the policy knife, cut the fat, cut the US Government down, make it work for the VOTERS and tax payers. 

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