Saturday, December 22, 2012

Boehner on Fiscal Cliff - Fiscal Update PT2

BBC News: Reports that Republican Speak John Boehner still hopes a deal can be done to prevent the US going over the fiscal cliff, this would mean tax hike ALL Americans and welfare cuts. 

Lets Get Real:

Any US recession should the US go over the cliff would be a Obama recession, his 2nd term would over before it starts, the Oval knows this, thus the Republicans should make it clear to its Speaker and the Oval that they will NOT MOVE, that they can wait out the Oval, they can wait for the decision of the US voter in 2014, and of course 2016.   Thus would break the Obama's 2nd term, if the Republicans just say NO to any  bill that the Oval wants then the Obama term will be seen as a failure.   The Republicans should just pass defence spending increases, and that IS it, NOTHING ELSE, show the OVAL that it has to deal or be a political dodo, it comes to 2nd terms sometime, why wait, if Obama wants to play Chicago rules, lets go all the way, as they say in Texas, ALL IN, Obama is the one that is seeking a legacy, one can say if the Republicans retake the Oval and Senate in 2016 they will revoke ObamaCare, thus Obama needs the Republicans, lets see if his ego gets that basic political message. 

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