Saturday, June 02, 2012

Obama vs. Romney - 2012 Match Up

Its that time of the weekend folks, the political polls and the 2012 Presidential Race.

Gallup ( Registered Voters ): In today's daily tracking poll Governor Romney leads President Obama by 46% to 45%.

Rasmussen Reports ( Likely Voters ): In today's tracking poll Governor Romney leads President Obama by 46% to 45%.

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks an exact tie between likely and registered voters, neither candidate has define the other at this point. The Obama attack on Romney's business record does not seem to have hit its target. While the Romney Campaign thus far has failed to define Obama as a tax and spend liberal. The news today that only sixty nine thousands jobs were created in May in the US and that the Unemployment rate has gone up from 8.1% to 8.2% should take a few days to work through to the polls. If the US unemployment rate moves up and not down over the next few months then Obama will not get re-elected. Thus expect the Chicago Re-Elect Committee to be even more nasty, expect the worse of Chicago politics. If and its a BIG if ObamaCare is struck down the Chicago Committee wont have a domestic record to run, on the other hand if it is struck down by the US Supreme Court it will remove a a major negative that POTUS has to defend. Also if ObamaCare is declared illegal it might allow Obama to fire up his base to get out to vote in November, another attempt to get health care reform passed. Thus June is a major month for both the Oval and Romney, lets see what the Supremes decide, they might decide the November Election.

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