Saturday, September 18, 2010

Brothers at WAR - The Miliband Brothers

Guardian: Reports how the Campaigns of the Miliband Brothers, David and Ed are at War, how David is seen as the heir to Tony Blair while Ed Miliband is seen as a thrown back to pre New Labour, in the pockets of the Trade Unions. This fight could make the Blair vs. Brown fight look like friendly, when it comes to family war its gets nasty. One can postulate that only one Miliband Brother has a political future after the Labour Leadership Election. If Ed Miliband defeats David then one can see David Miliband returning to the backbenches, could he really serve under his younger brother! If David Miliband wins can he really give an important job to his brother!! Thus the winner of the election will have a future while the loser will need to find a new career.

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