Thursday, April 22, 2010

Let Brown be Brown - Guardian

Guardian: Interesting article that in essence asks for PM Gordon Brown to be allowed to be Gordon Brown, the article states the following, " Brown is a bruised and bloodied figure, one whose greatest asset might well be his own stubborn resilience...". Lets be honest here folks, PM Brown makes Richard Nixon look like a rock star, even Nixon after the 1960 election got the fact that he had to be good at PR, even those critical of Nixon have admitted that when it came to Foreign Policy he was a Master, he had no real interest in domestic policy, thus he was quite liberal. But after 1960 election Nixon made sure he was the master of PR, thus his election in 1968 and his 49 State win in 1972. The problem for the Brown Camp is that they are allowing Brow to be Brown, he is dull, his jokes fall flat, and his want to say " I agree with Nick " was a disaster, why vote for Brown if the other guy has all the good ideas. Thus it is a good idea to keep Brown in PM mode, he is not good with people, it looks forced to say the least. The Labour Party has to think about its future, make sure they have more seats in the House of Commons that the Conservative Party and then get a deal with the Liberal Democrats, the price might be the sacking of Brown.

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