Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Obama at 46% Approval

CBS: Reports on its new poll that has POUTS below magic 50% mark, the poll has Obama on 46% approval and 41% disapproval. Even the elite media has started to smell the coffee when it comes to Obama, a network like CBS would be loathed to produced a poll like this, but it follows a tend in other polls, in the months leading up to the Mid Term Congressional Elections in 2010, the Obama White House has to stress jobs, jobs , jobs, if the US voter gets the impression that POUTS is distracted by side issues they will punish the Democrats in November, the Republicans could retake the House and eliminate the Democrats control of the Senate. This blog is keeping to its prediction that Obama will either lose his re - election bid in 2012 or will decide to bow out and spend more time with his family. At the end of the day President Obama is no Ronald Reagan. Lets be more brutal, Obama does not have the political skills of a young Bill Clinton. In 1994 Clinton after the disaster that was his push for health care reform lost the House, but he came back to win re-election in 1996, Clinton could move with the political wind and win, Obama is stuck like glue to his Agenda, an Agenda that could make him the next Bush 41, a one term President. This year will see if Obama is either Carter or Reagan.

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