Sunday, August 02, 2009

A Show Trial in Iran, Stalin and Hitler would have smiled on President Ahmadinejad

Telegraph: Reports on a show trial in Iran of senior reformers in Iran. It can be argued that Hitler and Stalin are looking up from hell and smiling at their successor President President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Thus far President Ahmadinejad has stolen an election, killed his own people, started show trials, torture of people to get them to reverse their views. Does have the echo of Stalin and Hitler. So lets look at his other planned aims, the elimination of Israel. It is clear that Ahmadinejad is a totalitarian in the mold of Stalin and Hitler, these two killed millions before their deaths. Is Israel going to wait for President Obama to sell them down the river, he has done it in the past to his own family, what chance Israel, Obama has stated that Iran has till end of the year to come to talks, if Iran does not move Israel should hit Iran hard, even if its pushes Iran's nuclear plans back by ten years that is good, ten years is an age in politics, as this blog has predicted Obama will be one term President, he will out on his ear in 2012, thus his successor should be a Republican who will not tolerate a Nuclear Armed Iran. These show trials at the echo from the past, does Obama have the ability to get over his own arrogance.

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