Monday, October 06, 2008

Obama's Dirty Pool, MISTAKE

BBC News: Reports that Senator Obama has come out fighting over the allegation the he has a friendship with a domestic terrorist. Obama has gone back to an old McCain scandal from the 1980s. Obama has made two mistakes, when this came out his press stated that he had last spoken to Bill Ayers in 2005. so that is a relationship that has lasted 9/10 years, in that time did Obama question Mr Ayers as to why the group wanted to kill Ronald Reagan and firebombed is house. Also it allows McCain off the hook, Obama has gone after him, it was Governor Palin that bought this story to a bigger audience, expect McCain to use this in the debate, that he was attacked for something that he never did, he did not bring Ayers up, but there is also Reverend Wright, the Pastor that lead Obama to the Church and his political career. Lets recall McCain is a war hero, what Obama ever done but run for office.

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