Saturday, October 11, 2008

Obama another Reagan ?

The Boston Globe: Argues that Obama could be the heir to Reagan as in his Campaign Style, the article states the following, " Folksy, funny, and infectiously optimistic, Reagan was an accomplished communicator. Less witty but more cerebral, Obama is also a compelling speaker, with a Reagan-like faith in the power of ideas. ...." This is of course the reverse view held by the Liberal New York Times, the Times argued that Obama was not like President Clinton, Obama would not really feel your pain, and as suggested in this blog, Obama needs to get some acting skills so to do warmth. I think the writers at the Globe need to smell the coffee, Obama is a great speaker and he did well in the Town Hall Debate with McCain but warm is not a term that could be used to describe Obama, intelligent, cool, distant, great at big speeches. Those are some of the terms that could be used and with some justification. Obama when he wins in November has to get some acting skills when it comes to showing warmth, there will be times when the people look to him as President to feel some anguish as Reagan had to do, a cool distance will not go down well, so Obama's handlers need to get some Hollywood help to make him a better President.

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