Saturday, October 04, 2008

McCain can WIN

WS: William Kristol writing in the Conservative The Weekly Standard, sees a chance for the McCain/Palin ticket to come back and win this election in November. Kristol writes the following on the Obama/Biden ticket, " They're for raising taxes, federally funding abortions, naming activist judges, and losing wars. " As in previous post, the McCain Campaign is going down this line of attack, but one has to point out that Mr Kristol uses the historical fact that both President Ford and Vice - President Gore narrowed the difference by November but they both lost, thus McCain/Palin have to narrow the margin between them and Obama/Biden but also overtake them in the polls. If this was Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush it might work, but does McCain have the fire in the belly to destroy the other guy's political career, to quote one of my favourite films, there can only be one, and in this case its POTUS. McCain has to destroy Obama so that he can never run again for President, has to get some help from Karl Rove, Rove knows how to win elections, McCain is in a bare knuckle fight, he should think back to his POW days in Vietnam, its that simple, on November 5th if McCain wants to be the President Elect he has to destroy the career of Obama, think Walter Mondale in 1984. After that massive defeat to Ronald Reagan, Mondale could not win back his old Senate seat.

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