Friday, October 03, 2008

Elite View of VP Debate

Lets look at what the elites are stating about the VP debate between Senator Biden and Governor Palin.

ABC News: George Stephanopoulos writes of the debate, " ..there was nothing to this debate that is likely to change the trajectory of the race. " in other words Palin won big time and the elite media will now try to state that the Debate didn't matter and that its down to McCain and Obama. After watching the debate last night and think it over, it can be argued that Palin might balance the race out, the polls will tell the effect of the debate on the weekend.

The New York Times
: David Brooks writes the following on Palin in the Liberal Times, " She established debating parity with Joe Biden. And in a country that is furious with Washington, she presented herself as a radical alternative. " The Liberal Elite willl not be happy with that comment. If McCain goes up in the polls over the next few days it will be down to Palin. The election is over a month away, polls change, Obama has to keep the agenda on the economy and wall street, to quote Josh from West Wing, he has to be the Mommy that the country turns to when it is hurt, if they need a father figure in November, McCain will win the Presidency.

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