Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Never Attack Your Base!

Politico: Reports that Obama is attacking the press for falling for the McCain Spin. The Senator is following the old Nixon line attack the press, this is a mistake for two reasons, 1, the press is his base, this might come as shock to Obama, but you fool or make them angry at your political peril, they can always go back to supporting McCain. 2, The election cycle of the lipstick remark did not star with the press, Obama put his foot in his mouth, he has to learn that the National Press is the Press at end of the day, its a business, it needs viewers and readers, a fawning press might make Obama happy but voters smell that kind of corruption a mile away, the Liberal New York Times has lost many a reader due to its extreme liberal political agenda. Obama if he was wiser should have said sorry and sent Palin some flowers, charm cant win you Presidency but no charm can lose it, just ask, Carter, Mondale, Gore, Kerry. Obama smell the coffee or tea!

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