Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Obama Bounce

The Democratic Convention has given Obama a traditional bounce and that's before his speech to the delegates. The Gallup Daily Tracking Poll gives Obama a six point lead over McCain. The Poll finds the following, Obama 48% - McCain 42%. After the Obama speech, here in the UK early Friday morning, Obama should get a few more points. The question is can Obama keep the bounce or will the attacks at the Republican Convention dilute that bounce. It should be noted that the other Daily Tracking Poll has a different result, Rasmussen has a tied race with both Obama and McCain on 47%. Both Gallup and Rasmussen see a bounce for Obama, the range differs, but the question is can Obama keep himself in the news with the Republican Convention on and the latest tensions between the USA and Russia. This will be a very close race, this is just the hype before the trench warfare of a long race. I am worried that Obama has made a mistake with his Convention Speech, he needs less of the Star aspect and more of the politician who listens to the voters.

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