Monday, June 30, 2008

The Truth about Obama

Washington Post: This is what the press is really for, looking and digging deep in to a story. In this case looking at the reality on the ground for the 08 race. The Obama Camp faces some very real worry that good people not racists will believe rumours not based on fact. Obama is a christian, he loves his country. My problem with Obama is that he is a politician. He threw his white grandmother under the train to protect his African - American Pastor, my worry would he do the same if the colours had been different, and then he had to throw his pastor under the train. Obam has showed that he will act like a politician, he will take private money to run his campaign, while McCain will take public money. Obama is moving to the centre, thus he has changed mind on his view points that he only had a few months ago, NAFTA etc, Wiretapping, what next Iraq, don't be surprised. Obama is a Liberal, the West can not afford on the job training for POTUS.

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