Saturday, March 08, 2008

The Outcome?

Newsweek: Reports on the prospects of the Democrats getting a very messy National Convention. The first real active conventions since the 1950s. As the article points out Clinton is in the same position that Reagan was in 1976, the article states the following, “ Governor Reagan stayed in the fight all the way to the convention. He had a hundred delegates fewer than Ford, roughly the same deficit Clinton has today. Reagan helped insure his party's defeat but nailed the nomination four years later. ” But there is a difference, the Clinton's don’t want to damage the Post Presidential reputation of Bill Clinton, also Reagan could run again in 1980, Clinton in today's 24/7 news cycle would be old news. Many thought that after the 1976 speech by Reagan that the Republicans had chosen the wrong nominee. Thus Clinton just might get her chance, the cost would be great for the Democratic Party. In less Obama was the VP one can see African Americans not voting or voting for McCain. The Democratic Party has a heavy choice to make at its convention.

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