Thursday, September 06, 2007

Republican Debate

When History is working for you, you can do no wrong in politics, Ronald Reagan was right about the Soviet Union, all the experts in the USA who wanted to talk and deal with the USSR as a equal of the USA had gotten this Issue wrong. Senator McCain had supported the Bush Administration in Iraq, thus his campaign had to suffer the consequences. This time history might be working for Senator McCain, is Iraq turning a corner, can he became the Front Runner in the Republican Field.

In the Debate McCain looked good and he had Iraq as an Issue. Governor Romney looked he had spent to much time with Democrats, he took the middle road and thus McCain could go on the attack. Giuliani stressed his role not alone on 9/11 but through his time in New York, his record in New York is great, changed the placed for the better, best record of all the crowd.

After watching the Debate, score cards from VIEWS: McCain A+, Giuliani A, Romney C -. Will this change the polls, time will tell.

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