Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Democratic Debate

After thinking about the debate it can be argued that we are seeing a split between what the Beltway Politicians and what the public see in the Debate. If you watched the CNN and Fox for the reaction, one could see the MSM ( Main Stream Media ) supporting Hillary Clinton while those that actually matter the voters seem to have a found a new leader in Senator Obama. As I have argued before Obama needed to be quick on his feet in the these debates and last night he showed that he could up his game. Obama could be the Democratic Reagan, he needs a few good Debate shows also he needs to get some political punches in as to show that he wants the job and is not seeking the VP spot in 08.

On the debate itself one question was interesting would those on the platform meet with the leaders of North Korea etc. Obama stated he would meet with them with no conditions, he used Reagan as a example of a leader who would meet with those that he opposed. Clinton was smart and stated that she would not be used as some propaganda peace for those leaders, she does not seem to mind when it comes to Bill Clinton during his troubles. The Liberal based liked the reaction of Obama, the beltway reaction of the MSM liked the Clinton response. Clinton while looking at the long game and the general election might be weak in this race if Obama can show he is the real Liberal in the 2008 election.

Senator Obama won the Debate

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