Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Brown's Reforms?

The Prime Minister announced today sweeping reforms to give Parliament more power, but we do not live in a USA style system. The House of Commons is controlled by the Majority Party. Its like selling an old product, new image but the content that matters. All reforms would give Parliament more power if the Executive did not come from the Commons and Lords. Its a class art in Spin but still spin. The Iraq War was approved by the House of Commons. There is an old British Comedy about Politics called Yes Minister, one show was about "Open Government", the best way to be less open is to announce it with headline grabbing news, its in the detail. PM's don't give up power they just got, plus its a green paper, the discussion period, that could take as long as Gordon Brown is Prime Minister to come to an end and then a White Paper on the subject. Spin is not finished yet!!

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