Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Iraq OR Nam

The mess that is Iraq, what are the options that can be meet or not meet.

1. Regional Conference with Iran, Syria, but what will they want to attend, what do they want from the West, well the USA and will their demands be meet. In the case of Syria, Lebanon under its influence and no past investigations in to its actions. In the case of Iran, the West allowing it to became a Nuclear Power but would the West allow Iran to became a armed nuclear power.
2. More Troops in, an extra twenty thousand for a short period, but will it work, if it does not work what then.
3. More Troops within the context of a phased withdrawal, in other words another Lebanon, a face saving exit, problem, Iran would win and we would be back here within a few years, with Israel and Iran eye ball to eye ball.
4. Divided Iraq between the interested Parties but keep the oil under Western control but sharing the Profits between the Parties who did not take violent action against Western Troops.
5. A Strong General to take over, not a Liberal, not a Democrat, a General who's only view is my way or the highway to those that oppose him.
6. Give up, cut and run, no way this would work, this is not the 1920s. Oil and Oil..!!
Why does Views have a nasty feeling Iraq will became another Nam, a place of lost hope and more death. Views IDEA for Iraq:
1. More Troops, a hundred thousand more troops, clean house in the Capital.
2. Close the Borders with Syria and Iran.
3. Send the CIA in to both countries, let lose the dogs of war and win, keep them out of Iraq.
4. Also start talks with Syria, make a deal over its regional interests, break its contacts with Iran.
5. Support those opposed to the regime in Iran, CIA, do what it takes to win. JFK or RFK didn't like to lose.
6. At all costs win, losing its not an option.

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