Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Iran's Ambassador to the UK WARNS US - Middle East/Persia - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The Tehran Regime has to be careful, this looks like Iran is trying to get the upper hand in any PR War before the actual fighting starts.   It will only take as stated an incident in the Strait of Hormuz and the threat to Western economy for the US to start bombing Iran and to remove the Regime.   The threat to Iran is that the US will not stop with a limited WAR, it will want to remove the present Regime, the political order and the religious theocracy would be REMOVED from power, where will the clerics run to, Syria under Assad?  At the moment the West has enough oil for a limited war in the Persian Gulf, a long term war could damage the economies of the West.

It has to be asked, is this a good time to remove the Tehran Regime, it has not gone nuclear yet, the US and its Allies do not want another North Korea, should IRAN get the bomb it would be impossible to remove without heavy fighting and costs.   Thus you have to look at the benefits, remove a thorn is US policy for the past decades, re- shape the Middle East, the negatives, the cost in lives and monies, the balanced decision could decide the fate of the region. 

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