Sunday, April 28, 2019

AG Barr vs. House Democrats - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The House Democrats are playing POLITICAL GAMES, they do not watch to impeach as this could backfire on them, thus we have this political harassment by the Democrats on the Hill.  The AG should refuse to meet them if they do not treat him as his rank would expect, he is after all the Attorney General of the United States, the Democrats are playing to their very liberal base, the base wants to impeach, not because they will win, it is just to make a point.  They hate POTUS so much, they would rather face the political blowback of impeachment, than allow Trump to get away it from their view after the Mueller Report.   The Trump White House is RIGHT to fight back when it comes to Democratic House Committees, the Dem members do not want to face a primary fight in two years time, thus the US does not matter, this is pure politics on their part.  I take the word of the AG over partisan Democrats. 

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