Friday, January 25, 2019

Could Roger Stone BRING DOWN Trump? - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Mr Stone has stated he will not rollover on the President, that he will not lie for the Special Prosecutor, IF on the other hand Mr Stone is faced with YEARS in jail he could change his mind.   The charges against Mr Stone are FEDERAL, thus POTUS can PARDON him any time, that would scuttle the Special Prosecutor, the extreme LEFT WING media would go up the wall and the House Democrats would impeach him, but that would not matter if Trump can keep his BASE.   The Republican Senators will never impeach Trump if he still has the base, a few could defect but not ENOUGH.    At the end of the day this is about politics not the law, everyone else around Trump might be dragged in but a President has immunity.  It was interesting that CNN was at the Stone arrest, one does not need to be Mr Holmes to work out that they were told either by the FBI or the Special Prosecutor.   The liberal elite press already making the connection to POTUS, that Stone was a long term ally, that Trump surly would have known if Stone was in contact with WikiLeaks and thus Russia. The Oval Office must hope that Stone takes the fall for Russia, like Reagan's National Security Advisor Admiral POINDEXTER did for President Reagan during Iran - Contra.   This would blog would have taken the fall for Reagan, he was a great President, Trump on the other hand is NOT, if Mr Stone is offered a DEAL he should take it, Trump can not be trusted. 

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