Friday, May 11, 2018

Trump on Obama - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

It was clear before the 2016 campaign that President Trump had no time for President Barack Obama, the former President made Trump the but of his jokes at a Washington Dinner for the press.  It can be postulated that since then POTUS has wanted to take down Obama, by getting rid of his legacy.   All Presidents want to be different from the man than held the office before, each President wants a legacy,  LBJ left the Great Society, Nixon had the silent majority, Reagan finished off the Cold War and helped in the downfall of the USSR. Bush 41 had the Gulf War and the actual end of the USSR, Bill Clinton had a great economy, Bush 43 had Iraq and the near downfall of the economy, Obama had ObamaCare and the Iran Deal, Trump is the reverse of Obama, he has aborted ObamaCare, he has withdrawn the US from the Paris Climate Agreement, negated the Iran deal, and it only his 2nd year.  The Trump Oval has a Summit with North Korea in a few weeks, that will be historic, even Obama could not manage that, Trump could become a historic Presidency, not quite Reagan, but pretty close. 

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