Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The FATE of Bill Clinton - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Whatever you think of Bill Clinton as a person, you have to admit that as  a pol, he is the best  in the business, it is not his fault that HRC LOST in 2016, that was all down to HRC and her bad campaign and the FBI/Russians if you follow that theory.   The #metoo movement could rob the Democrats of a great fighters in the shape of the old hound dog.   The American people elected Bill twice, they knew his character but also that in his time in office the Country on the whole was at peace and the economy went through the boom.  As to the BC character flaws, well they are well known, one minute you are a hero then you find you self a outcast, that is the fate of the Greats, just look at Lady Thatcher.   The Dems would be foolish not not to use Bill Clinton. 

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