Sunday, December 03, 2017

North Korean Crisis - Update

Lets Get Real:

The WAR DRUMS are getting louder, the US and North Korea are heading to Midnight and War.   There are only two options as this blog has stated, talk or war, everything else has been tried and that is why we are HERE at this crisis point.   The US either talks to North and accepts it as a nuclear power and hopes it can contain the North, also that the North does not blackmail the West in to WAR, that would be on their terms, thus we have the only option, WAR, on our terms, a first strike against North Korea, this will the cause to left in both the US and the UK to go up in arms, well that is why they are the opposition and not the government.  The Trump Oval has to consider WAR, on its terms, a massive use of tactical nuclear weapons to take out North Korea's conventional forces as to protect the Capital of South Korea and then a land invasion.   THERE WILL BE DEATHS, if this route is followed, sometimes the hardest decision to take is the hard but best choice.  Then North Korea or what is left of it should be handed over to China, they will feel secure with North Korea under them, this will sound ruthless, sometimes that is the best choice, when there are no other options. 

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