Friday, May 22, 2015

Ed Balls and the 2015 General Election - Post 2015 Election

Lets Get Real:

At least Mr Balls is taking the election result on the chin, unlike his former Leader who from reports thinks he lost the election because Labour voters were to lazy to come out and vote. This blog is being serious.   The Labour Party has to move to the right, it needs to be for people who are at work, yes it should care about those on the bottom of society but it should be a balance.   The idea of mansion taxes, attack on business and more welfare did not help the Labour Party, as this blogger found when talking to Conservative voters, the one theme they had was that the Conservative Party was for the working man ( generic sense ), somehow Labour has become about what the elite sees, that is not the country.   At least Mr Balls is not blaming the voter. 

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