Monday, November 24, 2014

Hagel OUT - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

One has to say that Secretary Hagel was the right man at the wrong time, he was bought in as US withdrew from the WARS in Afghanistan, well events change, and the US is now back on a War/Terror threat from IS.   The Oval Office wants a safe pair of hands but also someone who is good at communication, in other words a strong Defence Secretary.   Of course that comes with a problem, what if the new Defence Secretary wants more bolder action than the Oval wants, President Obama will be on his 4th Defence Secretary after the confirmation hearing for the successor to Hagel, one has to question WHY Obama has problems with defence, Gates and his successor, Leon Panetta have both been critical of President Obama, with Gates it was the view that Obama did not support his own Afghan policy and with Panetta it was Iraq and the lack of leaving troops behind, thus the present War with IS in Syria and Iraq.    It will be interesting to read the memoirs of Secretary Hagel, was he pushed or did he fall by his own design.   

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