Monday, October 27, 2014

The 2014 Mid Terms and Another Bush Presidency - 2014/16 Race

Lets Get Real:

This is not about the Republicans looking good, it is the fact that the US Voter has had enough of President Obama, as the sitting President said, elections have results, or words to that effect.  If President Obama loses the Senate and sees Democrats lose seats in the House will he hear the verdict of his population, or will go on with his ego more important than the Democratic Party and the nation, if it is a sweep and the Oval does not budge or ObamaCare or doing more in Syria and Iraq, then the Republicans should consider their options, they could close down the Government, that is risky, people on the whole like a Government to run the Country's business, so it comes down to the power of the purse, the Republicans should not give ObamaCare $1 dollar, make Obama close down the Government for his namesake.   Also if Oval does not go ALL in Iraq and Syria the Congress should impeach the President.  How would Vice - President Biden like to be President Biden, that would really unsettle the Democratic race.  ELECTIONS HAVE RESULTS.   As for Jeb Bush, that is the only candidate that this blog would support on the Republican side, its a brand name, at least Bush 43 left Iraq in a winning hand, while Obama has lost it to IS.  Can Jeb Bush be the new Ronald Reagan.

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