Friday, September 05, 2014

Obama and ISIS - Middle East Crisis

Lets Get Real:

This IS why President Obama does not give one much confidence, at the end of the day the US has to lead, taking down ISIS is a long term project, it will take years, the US needs a leader who will tell the West the truth, Reagan called USSR an Evil Empire, and took it down, if it had been up to the Democrats and the elite West the USSR would still be here, and Eastern Europe would still be under the control of Moscow.   The West has to place ground troops in Iraq AND Syria to bring down ISIS, of course speical forces are there already but you still need trained combat troops to take back the towns and cities held by ISIS.   The problems of ISIS and Putin's Russian is not going to go away, a good speech does not cut it, there is the need for bold action, the West after Afghanistan and Iraq is afraid and lead by weak leaders.   Great leaders bring the people along, thus a Thatcher and a Reagan, weak leaders go by the political polls. 

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