Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Deaths in Syria - Syria Crisis 3

Lets Get Real:

This is what you get folks when you have a weak US President, vicious Regimes like the Assad Regime can get away with murder, the Oval likes the title POTUS but does not want to get its hands dirty, it fears losing its liberal base, the liberal base did not support the overthrow of Gaddafi of Libya, after Iraq the and Afghanistan the liberal base is gun shy, it does not want the US to lead, it expects the UN to lead, well with the Russian and China VETO that is not going to happen folks, thus if the West does not take action over the latest use of chemical weapons in Syria one can postulate that Iran will go nuclear, this will force Israel to ACT, this could lead to a regional WAR, then the Oval and the West will have to get its hands very dirty, Western voters will not be happy if the petrol prices shoot up due to a Middle East Regional War. 

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